Inventions, Innovation, Creativity, and Initiative Department

In our specialized Inventions Department, Edno helps individuals and companies turn their creative ideas and innovations into valuable inventions, allowing them to reap long-term financial and intangible benefits globally. The diversity and creativity in our department and the services we offer have made us a unique and distinguished center, providing successful and engaging experiences for our clients.


Invention Service in Edno

In our specialized Inventions Department, Edno helps individuals and companies turn their creative ideas and innovations into valuable inventions, allowing them to reap long-term financial and intangible benefits globally. The diversity and creativity in our department and the services we offer have made us a unique and distinguished center, providing successful and engaging experiences for our clients.

Advice and Development of Ideas to Invention

Edno provides expert advice and guidance to help clients develop their creative ideas into tangible inventions. Our experienced consultants work closely with inventors to refine their concepts, identify potential challenges, and develop effective strategies to bring their ideas to fruition. This comprehensive support ensures that innovative ideas are transformed into successful inventions with significant market potential.

Talent Search for Creativity

At Edno, we recognize the importance of nurturing talent and creativity. Our talent search programs are designed to identify and support individuals with exceptional creative potential. We provide opportunities for these talented individuals to collaborate with our experts, gain valuable insights, and develop their skills further. By fostering creativity, we help innovators achieve their full potential and contribute to groundbreaking advancements.

Patent Consulting

Securing intellectual property rights is crucial for protecting inventions. Edno offers comprehensive patent consulting services to help clients navigate the complex process of patent application and registration. Our team of experts provides guidance on patent strategy, preparation of documentation, and submission of applications, ensuring that inventors can safeguard their innovations and maximize their commercial value.

Technical Services and Invention Manufacturing

Edno’s technical services and invention manufacturing support clients in the development and production of their inventions. We offer a range of technical services, including prototyping, engineering, and product testing, to ensure that inventions meet the highest standards of quality and functionality. Our state-of-the-art facilities and skilled technicians enable us to bring innovative ideas to life efficiently and effectively.

Writing an Article

Promoting inventions and sharing knowledge are key aspects of our services. Edno assists clients in writing and publishing articles about their inventions, research, and innovations. Our team of skilled writers and editors helps inventors articulate their ideas clearly and compellingly, ensuring that their work reaches a wide audience and gains the recognition it deserves.

PCT Registration

Edno supports clients in the international patent application process through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). Our experts guide inventors through the requirements and procedures for PCT registration, helping them secure protection for their inventions in multiple countries. This service enables inventors to expand their market reach and capitalize on global opportunities.

Competitions and Festivals

To encourage innovation and celebrate creativity, Edno organizes competitions and festivals that provide a platform for inventors to showcase their work. These events offer participants the chance to present their inventions to a broad audience, including potential investors, industry leaders, and the general public. By hosting these events, we foster a vibrant community of innovators and support the recognition and commercialization of groundbreaking ideas.